Wednesday 23 October 2013

Here is some fresh inspiration for how to motivate your children in their homework routine.

Five tips to supercharge the homework routine.

What You Need To Know

The value of homework can't be stated enough. It anchors your kids in work habits, organization, and a sense of responsibility. If you feel like you're in for a struggle every time the subject comes up, here's how to help.
1.           Create a distraction-free zone. A little soft music is fine, but cartoons blaring are a bit much.
2.           Encourage children to give themselves a high-five for a job well done.
3.           Model what you want to see. If your kids see you sitting down to read, they'll be more likely to pick up a book.
4.           Set achievable goals and record them in a book.
5.           With the help of your child, come up with a menu of daily and weekly rewards for completing goals, from playing a game together to stopping by the bookstore.
How You Can Help
Make sure you're contributing to the quiet time needed for homework! Don't chat on the phone within earshot or turn up the evening news if your child is doing their work.
Help your child make a daily schedule of activities, budgeting time for homework, as well as other activities like soccer games and piano practice. Be sure to allow for downtime! Kids who have no free, unstructured time can start to resent their obligations. 

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