Tuesday 8 January 2013

My 7 year old daughter doesn't make eye contact. Should I be concerned?

You shouldn't expect your daughter at seven years of age to make a lot of eye contact when she chats with others.
Watch her when she talks. Does she look away, turn her head, or peer down, perhaps making occasional eye contact, but certainly not locking into a gaze that many youngsters would find too intense? If so, resist the urge to tell her to look people right in the eye when she has something to say to them.
It's not realistic at her age, and it's not even the way adults talk to each other most of the time.  Instead, suggest that she look in a person's general direction and always explain to her it’s done both out of politeness and so she can be understood when she's talking.  She'll probably have an easier time doing this with her peers than with adults.

Remind her that sometimes other people feel too shy or scared to look directly at someone when they talk. Even so, tell her most people try to at least glance at each other, since everyone likes to be acknowledged.  If your daughter stares at the floor when she speaks, don't prod her to look up, apologise for her behaviour, say she's shy, since you don't want to make a big deal about her behaviour she's likely to outgrow. I also have the same problem with my 10 year-old-son.  At home, I help him by practicing in a game format I tell him to look at my forehead or my face while he tells me about his day at school.  Another good exercise that my son really enjoys, locking eyes and see who can do it the longest while we figure out what we are going to have for dinner. Try some of these activities at home, if you have other children get them involved too, make it fun.  As your child becomes comfortable with these game methods, she'll be less likely to avert her eyes when she talks with others.
It can also help if you get down to her level to chat, so she doesn't have to crane her neck to speak or feel intimidated by some giant towering above her while she talks.  If, after these efforts, your child still consistently ducks her head when she speaks, doesn’t make eye contact or if she doesn't seem interested in social interaction, doesn't have friends, or doesn't communicate with family members, talk with your family doctor.

Lack of eye contact is one of the 1st signs of Asperger's Syndrome. Girls are often not diagnosed with this because girls tend to be more social then boys, but if you have any concerns about your daughter socially, I would look into it.

Remember children love animated and exaggerated facial expressions use a lot of facial and other body language gestures while talking to her.  Best of luck!

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