Friday 14 December 2012

When and how is the right time to wean my child of the pacifier?

First ask yourself, why do you want to wean your child from his/her pacifier? If it's interfering with your child's ability to interact, talk, or play with others then yes I would agree with you it may be a good idea to phase it out. But if he/she is using it only to fall asleep or to soothe himself/herself when his/she's upset, then in my opinion he is using it to a good end. 
Like many parents, you may be concerned about the impact of pacifier use on your child's teeth, but pediatric orthodontists report that regular use of a pacifier before age 4 doesn't cause dental problems or misaligned teeth.
At preschool your son/daughter sees that the other kids don't use a pacifier so that more than likely why he/she has given it up on his own there.

Here are some helpful steps to wean your child from the pacifier:

Step 1 - Help him/her find other ways to calm himself. Many children use a security blanket or toy for comfort. If your child doesn't have this already, you can help him develop one by choosing a blanket, stuffed animal. Have it sit on your lap or your child's as you read together, and set it next to him as he/she eats and when you cuddle before bedtime.

Step 2 - Offer your child the opportunity to trade in the pacifier for a big-boy toy. If he doesn’t want too just yet don’t worry, it was worth a try.

Step 3 - Dip the pacifier in something that doesn't taste so great, like pickle juice, so your son/daughter will look forward to it less.

Step 4 - Taking the pacifier away gradually is the best way to go. Don't get into a power struggle over it or your child may hold onto it more fiercely. When your child wants the pacifier during the day, let him/her have it for a minute or two and then offer other ways to help him calm down, a hug from you, snuggling with his blanket or teddy, or reading a book together.

Step 5 - Reduce the time you let him/her have it until he doesn't use it at all.  

Step 6 - Taking the pacifier away at bedtime will probably be more difficult. Perhaps let him/her use it during reading time and while you're rocking or singing but not when he goes to sleep. Then gradually lessen the time he/she uses it.  It’s a long process and you need to be patient and calm.

Step 7 – When your child is ready to give up his pacifier altogether, it’s a great idea to have a pacifier going-away party, as special rituals can ease difficult transitions. Gather them up, put them in a special place (such as a box you've decorated together), sing some good-bye songs, include all your children and then put the box away. 

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