Thursday 13 December 2012

Potty Training

Every child is different when it comes to when, and how quickly they learn to use the toilet.  Your own child will train in his or her special way. That said, talking or reading about other people's experiences does help you get through this.
I started my son a little under 2 years old and he just loved it - all the excitement and recognition he got for going. I tried to make it into a fun experience I also gave him sticker rewards, that really helped.  “potty training” is a process, lots of patience.  So on that note, here's some potty steps:
Step 1
Although you have a potty go out and buy your child their very own potty. Take him/her with you when you purchase it to help build the excitement of beginning training. 
Step 2
Talk to your child about potty training before you actually begin.  Explain that the potty will be taking the place of his/her pampers and that the potty is where he/she will "pee" and "poo."
Step 3
Pick up a children's book that is devoted to the subject of potty training. Read it several times with your toddler to help him/her understand what toilet training entails.  I highly recommend this method, having done it with my son. 
Step 4
Watch a children's video on potty training. This, along with books, can be an invaluable tool in illustrating to your child the process of using the potty. 
Step 5
Let your child get used to sitting on the potty.  He/she can do this with his clothes on at first, but the sooner your child gets used to pulling his/her pants up and down, the better.
Step 6
Use a doll or stuffed toy to "demonstrate" using the potty.  Imitate the sound of urinating while you hold the toy over the potty.  Your child will enjoy the pretend time, and it will help motivate him/her to use the potty.
Step 7
Buy your child an abundance of underwear to begin training. You will need them. Take your child shopping with you and pick out items with their favourite characters imprinted on them to help fuel his/her enthusiasm.
Step 8
Begin by taking your child to the potty immediately upon waking. Make this as pleasant as possible as they may be cranky at this time. Sing to your child while he/she sits. Don't keep him/her on the potty for more than five minutes at a time. If he/she is successful, celebrate it with clapping. If not, try again later. 
Step 9
Develop a routine for potty training. A schedule with help you. Have your little one  "potty" first thing in the morning, after each meal and before bed. Also, take him to the potty any time that he/she asks to go. You should see progress soon.

Remember it’s a process.   You need to show lots of enthusiasm to your little one, and be patient.  

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